Die Tattoos
Tournament 1976
Tournament 1968
Tournament 1978
Tournament 1979
Tournament 1980
Tournament 1981
Suffolk 1968
Colchester 1968
Colchester 1971
Colchester 1972
Military Pageant 1975
Spectaculars 74 - 77
Gala Zürich 70er
Pageant 1977
Bielefeld 1977
Edinburgh 1972
Edinburgh 1974
Edinburgh 1977
Edinburgh 1978
Edinburgh 1979
Edinburgh 1980/1981
Edinburgh 68 - 81
Trooping 1978
Berlin Tattoo 79
Royal Tournam. 1985
Beating Retreat 1988
Salzburg 1991
Zivile Blasorchester
Brass Bands
Giants of Jazz
Sinfonische Musik

BEATING RETREAT 7., 8. und 9. Juni 1988
Massed Bands of HM Royal Marines

Sarie Marais - Royal Occasion - Per Mare Per Terram - The Captain General -
Preobrajensky - HM Jollies - Bugle Calls Fanfare Drum Beating - Bolero -
The British Grenadiers - Under the white ensign - On the Quarterdeck -
Viscount Nelson - Heart of Oak - State Occasion - Abide with me - Sunset -
To Comrades sleeping - Rule Britannia - Al life on the ocean wave
